Noughty Trophy Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the Noughty Trophies:

Best Author: Lady Jodie

Best Writing Pair: Rolf & Ranger

Best Group of Writers: Exiled: A New Beginning 

Best Fan Fiction Author: Xanthe

Best Original Story Universe: Falls Chance Ranch

Best Dramatic Story: Falls Chance Ranch by Rolf and Ranger

Best Romantic Story: Falls Chance Ranch by Rolf and Ranger

Best Comedic Story: The Salesman by Ranger

Best Tear Jerker: The Bequest by Brad

Best BDSM Story: 24/7 by Xanthe

Best Fan Fiction Story: 24/7 by Xanthe

Best PWP: Good Morning by Mel and Tarabeth

Best Male Top: Dennis by Lady Jody

Best Male Brat: Nick by Ranger

Best Female Top: Fran Milton by Cobweb and The Gnome

Best Female Brat: Britta by Hedia

Best Threesome: Dennis, Dusty, & Skyy by Lady Jodie

Best Supporting Character: Dominic, Slade, & Jayden by Lady Jodie

Best Fan Fiction Couple: Jim & Blair, The Sentinel by Mason-Dixon

Best Spanking Scene: Bedtime by Ranger

Best Sex Scene: Abandoned by Mel

Best BDSM Scene: Jamesbear and Goldiequinn by Mel

Best Wedding Scene: Mr. & Mr. Kincaid by Lady Jodie

Best Brat Quote: "Tuna belongs in the sea. I was just helping it be free." 
Matthew in Cabin Fever by Rolf and Ranger

Best Top Quote: "I think we can safely say that you may always leave the corner 
in the event of a fire,  flood, or me finding a spider in the bedroom.  I'll write it into the rules."

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