There have been a few updates at the Tea Room.
Several wonderful Fan Fiction Writers have added new shows to their repertoire; the Tea Room has been updated to accommodate this.
Many authors are in the process of finding new homes for their stories, as Geocites prepares to shutdown. This is bringing exciting new changes to the face of many author's pages and sites. Sadly this could also mean the loss of many of our favorite writers as they choose not to move their libraries of fiction. Now more than it ever it is important to thank authors for their time, effort and creativity--it may give them the boost to continue to write or to move their stories.
A few new authors have joined the Tea Room, and I discovered the WayBack Machine--so I have returned some classic authors who were lost when the Wraparound Porch went down.
Here is hoping the additions provide more reading pleasure.
Here you will find links to authors of domestic discipline stories. The majority of the fiction listed here is about gay relationships, and many of the stories contain sexually explicit scenes. If that is not your cup of tea or if you are under 21, please go away...if of age...please pour yourself a cuppa and enjoy.
What's New - January - June 2017
- Whisper 91 fanfiction
- Stories by Snarks
- JL's Junction
- Rosemarie's Tales of the Old West
- Tear Drop Lake Resort
- Hope House -- Chapters 1-3 by Fabian Black
- The Art of Romance by Alyx
- Julnick -- The Shadowed Scribe
- Dizzy's Discipline Stories
- Fun With Dick and Shane
- Old School by Scally Wag
- Growing Up Isn't for Everyone by Lady Jodie
- Tantrum -- The Originals Fanfiction by Jet and Katt
Original Characters F/F
Original Characters M/M
- A. K. Bantling*
- Ad Fundum*
- Adele*
- AJ's Alcove*@
- Autumn*
- Bosephus*
- Brad's Stories*
- Carol's Corner*
- Cat's Fiction Emporium*
- Chance's Diary*
- Chris Dangerfield's Stories*
- Chris~o~
- CJ*
- D'be-D'be's Stories*
- Dee's Drabbles, etc*
- Dice*
- Discipline Relationship Stories by Tris*
- Dizzy's Discipline Stories*
- Elizabeth Marshall Stories*
- Fabian Black*
- Fiction by Jenny*
- Frost Spinner*
- Fun with Dick and Shane*
- Gayspankee*
- Griffin Cates*
- Hedeia's Corner~o~
- Hic Draconis Publishing*
- Hollyllex*
- J.A. Rock*
- Jet*
- Jill's Stories*
- JL's Junction
- Jo's Page*
- Julie's Writings*
- Julnick*
- LJ's Library*
- Lou*
- Madison's Musings*
- Mason-Dixon Lines*
- Mel's Stories*
- Montgomery's Garden*
- Myst's Stories*
- PJ's Pages*
- Pooky Verde's Stories*
- Raine's Pages
- Randy's Ramblings*
- Raven's Den*
- Rhiannon's Stories*
- Rolf and Gayspankee's Stories*
- Rolf and Ranger's Page*
- Roo*
- Rosemarie*
- Rusty~o~
- Stories by Cobweb*
- Stories by Dash*
- Stories by Ecanus*
- Stories by Flaming Iris*
- Stories by Jay*
- Stories by Lucel~o~
- Stories by Scally Wag*
- Stories by Snarks*
- Sulya's Stories*
- Tales by Tarabeth*
- Tarn Swan's Diary*
- Teri's Stories*
- The Blue Moon Reading Corner*
- The Gnome's Stories*
- Xanthe*
- Zillah's Reading Corner*
Multiple Character Series M/M and/or F/F
- Another Life*
- Exiled:A New Beginning*
- Falls Chance Ranch*
- Family Matters*
- The Fraternity Files*
- The Island - New Terms* - Continuing Stories
- The Island - Original Version*
- Katie's Family*
- MMR Universe*
- Mustang Hill*
- Reality Check*
- Silver Bullet*
- Team Trials*
- Tear Drop Lake Resort*
- Three Traders*
- Treasures of the Heart*@
- Wisps and Weavings*
Group Story Sites - Two or More Authors M/M
- Ad Fundum*
- Hic Draconis Publishing*
- Jet's Fifty Prompts*
- Jet's Multifandom 20 Prompts*
- Jet's Multifandom 25 Prompts*
- Loving Swats*
- Male
- Montgomery's Garden*
- Rod and Slipper*
- Rolf and Ranger*
- Sinful Shack of Slashiness and Spankiness*
- The Adventures of Captain Peroxide and Deadboy*
- The Little Spanko's 25 Prompts*
- Writing Lines Authors' Story Page*
- sffh reading room*
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